Workshops offered:


Science loves it; so can we! Connecting with the calm inside.

Self-care as a Spiritual Practice

The ultimate act of compassion.

Let Go of Your Stuff!

Mindful and minimal consumption of everything from food to TV news to possessions. Live with less and feel joy in what’s important.

Breaking Free!

Become more conscious of big business and its control over us in the name of profits.  Food giants, tech giants and news giants are impacting our well-being.  Choose health instead!

Manifesting: What You Focus on Expands

Are you a Debbie or Dave Downer? Change your approach to life! Train your brain to focus on the good in every situation.

The Energy and Power of Words

How saying thank-you and speaking love raises our vibration and attracts more good into our lives. There really is a law of attraction!

Mindful Eating, Mindful Living

Slowing down in everything we do. Noticing life and enjoying it.

Happy Earthlings Change the World

Inspired by a visit to the Buddhist monastery Plum Village in France, home of the Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh.

Based on the book “Happy Teachers Change the World” by Thich Nhat Hanh and Katherine Weare.

Classes offered:

Divine Sleep® Yoga Nidra

Close your eyes and connect with your breath.  The great stress reliever.


Why do we do it? How do we do it? Why should we care?


Workshops & classes are just a click away.